
Document privacy

This website has been created by PLANTYSERV, information purposes and for personal use

1.- Identity of the owner of the web.
For the purposes of the Act 34/2002, of 11 July, services of information society and electronic commerce, the general information of this Web site are as follows:
Holder: Plantyserv SL. (hereinafter Plantyserv) Address: Plantyserv SL. , Baix ave des Cos, 46 – 07500 Manacor, Majorca. E-mail: plantyserv@plantyserv.es Teléfono: 971 846 296 Fax: 971 846 487 Commercial Register: VOLUME: 1730 BOOK: 0 FOLIO: 70 SECTION: 8 SHEET: PM-34833, C.I.F.no: B-57001497

2.- Terms and conditions
Access to this website user determines status. The user is the person accessing, use or participate in services and activities in www.plantyserv.es. The user must read these Terms of Service, in each of the occasions on which she proposes to access and if necessary use the services provided through this website, since they are subject to change. Access to this website is the responsibility of users access to this website does not imply any commercial relationship between the user and Plantyserv. You warrant that all information submitted through forms / forms included in this web, is real, accurate and updated. The user is responsible for communicating all changes occur in order to have updated information.

3.- Warranties and Disclaimers
The information in this website is accurate at the date of last update. Plantyserv reserves the right to update, modify or delete information on this site. Plantyserv reserves the right to make, at any time, many changes and modifications deemed desirable, may exercise this right at any time without prior notice.
Plantyserv makes every effort to avoid any error in the contents appearing on this website. Plantyserv not guarantee, is not responsible for the consequences arising from errors in the contents appearing on this website, provided by third parties.
Plantyserv no responsibility whatsoever for the contents, business, products and services that can be accessed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, through this web. The links on the website of Plantyserv, unless stated otherwise, is purely informative and in any case, suggest, invitation or recommendation of them. These links do not represent any kind of relationship between Plantyserv and individuals or business owners of the websites that are accessible through these links. Plantyserv reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw at any time the links that appear on its website.
Plantyserv no representation or warranty that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free. No responsibility or guarantee that the contents or software that can be accessed through this website, is free from error or cause damage. In any case Plantyserv be liable for losses, damages of any kind arising from access and use of the website, including but not limited, to damage to computer systems or damage caused by the introduction of viruses.

4.- Intellectual Property
Access to this website does not grant users the right, any ownership or intellectual property rights of the content provided by this website. The content of this website may be downloaded to the user terminal (download), but only for private use and without any commercial; therefore can not exploit, reproduce, distribute, change, public communication, yield, transform or use the content of this website for public or commercial purposes without express written permission of Plantyserv Plantyserv reserves the right to take legal actions against users who violate or infringe the rights of intellectual property.

5.- Data Protection
Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information about yourself. In the event that the user provide personal information, data collected at this site will be used for the purpose, in the manner and with the limitations and rights contained in the Act 15/1999, Protection of Personal Data within the framework of the Spanish legislation. The data provided by users will be included in the files of a personal nature that is responsible Plantyserv, which will be kept confidential.
Users who provide their personal data, give their express consent in order to be submitted for use by Plantyserv them to get information related to this company have the right to access, cancel, rectify or object to the processing of your data on the terms specified in the Act 15/1999, Protection of Personal Data, accordance with legally established procedures. These rights may be exercised by writing to Plantyserv, sending us a fax (971 846 487).

Treatment and privacy of data obtained through the website

1.- Anonymous browsing through web pages.
Plantyserv, entity owner of the website plantyserv.es, collects and saves only the following information about visitors to our website:
1. The domain name provider (PSI) that gives them access to the network.
2. The date and time you access our website.
3. The Internet address from which the link that leads to our website.
4. The number of daily visitors to each section.
Plantyserv can give third, extracts information from the traffic that does not affect the user's anonymity, data on the number of visits to a particular section of the site, traffic flows and trends.

2.- Navigation with cookies.
The page of our website uses cookies, small data files that are generated in the user's computer and allow us to obtain the following information:
1. The date and time of the last time you visited our web.
2. The design of contents that the user selected on his first visit to our website.
3. Security elements involved in controlling access to areas
restricted. The user has the option to prevent cookies generation, by selecting the appropriate option in your browser.

6.- Comments and suggestions
Plantyserv available to users , your email address to plantyserv@plantyserv.es can submit suggestions and comments on the content and information to be provided through our website.